At first I kinda hesitated in giving this information away because it is just too valuable and I don't exactly want too many competitors. Yet I can't believe how many people don't already know about this.Its one of those methods that go “right under our nose” everyday and I'm sure a small number of people in the know are making a a total killing right now because of it. This method does involve PPC but not adwords. I'd rather not throw any more money into Google as I've done in the past. Today I use solely one PPC engine: Adbrite. Thats right, Adbrite. I'm going to tell you about the wonders of Adbrite in this report, take you step by step through the process. How it can make you potentially hundreds to even thousands of dollars a day for as little as 5 cents a click, something unheard of with Google. I'm going to show you how to set up ads that get clicks and conversions and what type of products to promote to maximize the return of every click you get. I've seen ROI or “return on investment” figures as high as 1800% on some campaigns with just $5 dollars (yes, $5 dollars) spent and 100 clicks. I'm loving it :) First thing you need to do if you haven't already is go and sign up for Its quick and easy. Then you need to go over to and sign up for an account there and the first part is done.
Finding Hungry Markets
If you want to be wildly successful in marketing, this goes for PPC marketing too, you should always seek out “hungry” markets. These are not things that people “need” but what they “want”. People looking to solve pressing problems or improve their condition will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to get something and we'll give it to them, but first you need to know what their lookingfor. Its actually really simple, basically if you can answer “YES” to any of these questions below, regarding your potential customers and the product you want to sell, you have found a hungry market.Will the product.....
Help them make or keep their money?Their job?Help them to look beautiful/sexy/smart to others?Maintain a relationship?Maintain their health?Maintain or keep their car or home?Buy expensive trophy items (cars, houses, luxury gifts etc,)?Please an important person in their lives (parents, teachers, friends etc)?Connect to a higher power?Live a dream?
Just do a thought experiment with any of those questions and place yourself in your customers shoes.Think about the things they might REALLY want and could not wait to have. Look for gamblers,businesspeople and marketers who aren't making money, people with non-life threatening conditions such as foot fungus or bad breath, people looking to lose weight and the list goes on. Finding hungry markets is incredibly easy. It doesn't require research or anything like that just common sense.
Finding a Product For Your Market
If your familiar with clickbank marketing you can basically skip this section. We've all heard it before and this is not another run-of-the-mill ebook on re-hashed Clickbank techniques, like so many out there. The principle is simple. Find a product that will sell and is a proven seller. To dot that you have to log-in to your clickbank account. Go to 'marketplace' at the top right. Type in your keyword, for example 'acne', and you should get this:
I look at two things. First where is says “$/sale” I look at how much it pay out. In this case $21. If its any less than $20 its not worth your time. Then I look at “grav” which stands for “gravity”. All you need to know is the higher this number the more affiliates it attracts, which is a good sign. Generally the first result of a search in the marketplace it the overall best choice.
I then look at the sales page itself. Is it effective? Does it speak to you? The longer and more professional the sales page the better. This product “acne free in 3 days” has good gravity, a good payout and a great sales page so its an excellent choice. Its really that simple. Just look for products that fulfill those criteria and you can't really go wrong.
Setting Up Your Campaign
So now that you have your product, go to back to and go to “create a new campaign”. You should be logged into your account already. You'll come to a page that has several options such as “gender” “geo-targeting” and so forth. Choose the best options based upon your product. I recommend you geo-target your campaigns in English-speaking countries such as the US and Canada. Bear in mind putting in keywords are completely unnecessary for our campaign. What more important is ad copy, which I'll show you coming up.
Once your done with that, you'll come to a budget page. Set your budget to .05 cents a click and $5 a day starting. You don't want to go overboard on a campaign just in case it doesn't go well.
Creating Your Ads. Tricks and Strategies
This, for me, is the fun part. I basically use 3 strategies to boost my click-through rates and get targeting traffic to my leads. They use secret psychological “triggers” to get people to click on your ads and increase your ctr, thus improving your earnings. You will create 3-4 different variations and mix and match these tricks to get the maximum clicks out of adbrite.
1. The “Social Proof” methodThis is an ad that uses the “social proof” trigger headline to get their attention. You might saysomething like “thousands of satisfied people can't be wrong, our acne product gets results” orsomething to that effect. Here is an example:
2. “Reverse psychology” methodThis will bait users by appealing to their fears about not solving a problem. For example: “Areyou getting laid tonight? Not a chance” . It asks a question referring to their problem and notonly qualifies the lead (meaning more conversions) but increases ctr.
3. The “Scam” methodThis method is quite popular and time tested. Do a search for any popular clickbank productand you'll find such ads lined up. Basically everything else is a scam except the product youradvertising.
Taken together, those 3 strategies will get you clicks and conversions. Be creative. Make sure you “qualifying” words in the copy. Always put the price in your ad. This is essential, because it will dramatically reduce “curiosity” clickers and increase your onversions. After you make at least 3 ads, they'll go into pending review (it takes less than 24 hours) and go live. Thats it! Yes its that easy.
Acupuncture for Migraines How Effective Is It
13 years ago
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