Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Earn Online By Affiliate Marketing

Earn money online by wearing your shorts at the comfort of your home. Well before that my simple question to readers, Who will pay you as your earnings when you work for some one on internet? first think from your side, then read this blog when you got your own answer. Its very difficult to find real internet jobs on internet in this very scamy and competitive internet world.

Hey why your getting so serious, well i have search for the above mention question almost 2 years and today i got the answer. Let me see how much time you will take to get answer for the above mention dear reader dont worry i am ready to give my whole 2 years which i have taken to understand the whole internet earnings. And today i am totatly financial free, you can too can do it, if you have some internet brosing knowlege.

The first and very popular earning online way on internet is affiliate program.99% of the affiliate program on internet are scam.and 1% of the program are real money maker program. affiliate program are the national or multinational company who have some product or service on internet who want to sell there product or service on internet. So you can easily register with this company in free. And then select the product or services from the various variety of program available with the particular affiliate programe. For example if your website is related to pets than select, pets related programe from the particular affiliate programe. When you register with affiliate programe and product selection done, then you will get one affiliate link or html code, that link or code you have to just place on your website,and when some one buy the pets product from your affiliate link then you will get paid some $/sale or %/sale as mention in the affiliate programe. Well no doubt now you are thinking of the affiliate website which are not scam. find the affiliate website bellow :

CJ,Clickbank and amazon are the three major affiliate website all over world, And top 3 rated affiliate website. Dont even think of working with any other programe other than this.

Now as you now familiar with the website name to whome you want to work, Now follow the steps mention bellow:

step 1.

the very first step you need a website for that you need to purchase a domain name and hosting service, If you want to start in free then just make a blog

step 2.

choose one topic of your passion and interest and make some information or content for your website or blog, Make some unique content for particular topics that you have choosen, While writing the content please bear in mind people on net want to be informed not to be sold, If this thing somes in your content i am sure people want to visit your website again and again for find more information of particular topic that you have chosen. Now as of now your ready with your website or blog and the content for it .now go to step three


Go to any of the affiliate website

and get register with any of website mention above.this website are free to join not single penny you need to pay to register. when you fill and submit the registration form the website they will verify your details in 1-2 working days and as your application acepted thet will informed your by mail. As you got register with the affialite website choose the product, like your website is related to music then choose music related product, when you choose any product thet will provide you affialiate link or html code to place on your website,just copy it to your website, And start promoting website,

step 4.

Now your website is complete you will need visitor. For free methods of website promotion click here.

In this website or blog we have provided various technic to earn money online by affiliate marketing, Many webmaster are earning huge money by affiliate marketing. And in this article we have tried to give you a short discription and idea about how to earn money by affiliate marketing. please leave a cemment and your email id if your need any other clarification or query regarding affiliate marketing.

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