people search for pictures online”?
Now there are people searching for images for all sorts of reasons. For
example, students might want to use pictures for a project, people might
be looking for pictures of a particular celebrity or someone might be
looking for images where they can buy something and therefore, would
want to see an image of the product before they buy anything.
For example, this is what appears on Google Images where people
search for the following keywords.
“Dentists in Manchester”
As you can see there are just over 68,200 results (which is low compared to
the natural search engine competition).
Here you can see the keyword “florists in London” generates just over
123,000 results. The listed on the first page are going to be getting a lot
of traffic.
Now when it comes to optimising your images for search engine ranking
it is a lot different to articles and blogs.
The key thing you have to note is that if you label your content and images
properly Google will rank it higher on the search engine results for its
“images” category.
The Main things you need to get ranked by Google
There is no complex formula that is used to Rank Google Images.
However, you need to play their game. Google sends a robot every week
to people’s websites which allow the robot to rank your images on its
search engine “image” listing category.
ALT tag for SEO Ranking
This is underused a lot of times but it is powerful when used correctly.
An ALT tag tool is simply an “alternative tag” which defines the image.
So it is basically a text description of the picture and this is read by the
search engine spiders when they crawl your website – it simply tells the
search engine robots what the image is about.
Here is the most common format.

So for example, if you have a website for a local business owner that
deals with “florists in Manchester” you simply will label the image as
“florist in Manchester”
Now another thing that will determine your Google image rankings is
the “keyword in the picture’s name”.
So for example, if you have an image about a fish then you must include
the main keyword in the way the image is named. For example,
picture_of_fish.gif is an example.
The keyword must also be mentioned in the image’s title and description,
keyword must also be mentioned in the post and the keyword must also be
mentioned in the title, description and tags of the page.
Now all of this might seem alien to you but I will make this easier once
you continue reading this report.
Now celebrities often generate a lot of searches. For example, Robert
Pattison and Kim Kardashian have always generated a lot of image
searches based on their popularity.
Now just quite recently the World Cup 2010 has been marred with
controversy when England forward Wayne Rooney was caught
swearing at the camera after his side drew 0-0 against Algeria.
Now that means there will be lots of searches for images of “Wayne
Rooney swearing”.
So for example, if there was a blog post with the page title “Wayne
Rooney swearing” and an image with the following code:

Now this is a prime example on how you should be optimising your
images for your blog posts.
Now in order to get started with this the first thing you need to do is buy
a domain name.
Now this is going to depend entirely on what type of site you intend to
set up. For example, if you are going to set up a site for a local business
owner and you want their site to get a consistent stream of traffic from
Google images then you can buy a good keyword rich domain.
Or if you want to make money from CPA from your images then you
might want to buy a domain name that is related to a celebrity.
Once you have found a decent domain name you need to set up a website.
Setting up your WP site
Now WP sites are very well ranked on Google images. So the first thing
you need to do is set up your WP website with a simple theme.
I have a very powerful free WP theme you can download with all the
features and how to set it up.
Or if you want to use your own alternative WP theme simple head over
to and find one you like.
Once you have set up your WP theme you will need to install several
plug -ins.
The main one’s I recommend are
All In One SEO Pack
Sitemap Generator
Now what you need to do is install these plug ins.
Installing these plug ins is pretty easy. Once you have installed these
plug ins simply activate them by logging into your backend. Once you
have installed these plug ins simply activate them by logging into your
Once you have activated all the plug ins you are ready to make a post.
Now depending on the site you are going to set up we are going to focus on
making a post on a celebrity. Now to aid your understanding of Google
image traffic the first thing I am going to do is head over to Google Trends
or browse general news sites to see what is “hot right now”.
Google Trends
As you can see (at the time of writing) here are the current hot searches
from Google Trends.
Now what I am going to do at this stage is pick on a keyword from
Google Trends to see if we can make a post about this and grab an
Now as you can see the keyword “robyn lively” is the 5
most popular
search term right now and there are a lot of searches for this celebrity.
Now the first thing to do is head over to Google images and see how much
traffic there is for this keyword and see if we can capitalise on this.
Now as you can see there are just over 50,800 results for this keyword –
competition is pretty low both on the natural search engine listings too.
However, we want to focus on Google images for now as this is where
you are going to be getting the most traffic from.
Now the first thing you need to do is make a new post on your website
with the title of the celeb.
For example,
“robyn lively actor or robyn lively picture”
Now here we are focusing on the main keyword in our post.
Now after the title of the post make sure you include some text. This text
can be anywhere from 20-100 words (a short paragraph about the
For example, Actor Robyn Lively is set to star in a brand new drama.
Robyn lively is a new actor who is going to be hitting the screens in a
few months.
(Now you might want to use Google News to do your research here).
Your Picture of the keyword
Now the next thing you need to do is name your picture of the main
keyword. So for example in this case I am going to name the picture
“Robyn_Lively_ Actress.jpeg or “Robyn_Lively.jpeg” (make sure the
picture contains all of the keyword.
When people search on Google images they might type something like
“Robyn Lively actor or Robyn Lively picture”.
As long as you give your pictures a different name it will help as people
type in a combination of different terms to look for a certain picture of a
Now the first thing you need to do is head over to Google images yourself
and look for different pictures of your celebrity. Now in this case I am
focusing on “Robyn Lively” (based on the Google Trends search), however
you might want to focus on something else.
Now once you find a picture you want to rename it along the lines of
your keyword. For example, “
is a good
The next thing to do is create your post and upload the picture.
So here is an example I have already done.
As you can see I have renamed the image to the main keyword.
Also notice the title of our picture. I have named the title post “Robyn
Lively picture” and the alternate text is “Robyn Lively Actress”.
For my description I have kept it brief and made sure I include the
keyword several times.
The next thing to do is simply insert this image into your post.
As you
As you can see this is how your post will appear on your site.
Now I would paste the picture as a “thumbnail” – about size (150 by
150), making sure you are using different keywords for the celebrity.
For example, Robyn Lively smiling, Robyn Lively dancing etc. (I am sure
you get the idea).
Now the next thing to do is fill in some details in regards to your “All in one
SEO Pack”.
Now as you can see I have added the title (with the main keyword) and
also in the description and keyword I have added a combination of
different keywords.
Once you have filled the relevant keywords simply publish your post.
Now as you can see if I hover over the image the ALT text shows up as
“Robyn Lively Picture” and you should also notice the URL link of our
Now as you can see if I hover over the image the ALT text shows up as
“Robyn Lively Picture” and you should also notice the URL link of our
(As you can see the image also contains our main keyword).
Now I would create separate categories for your main keyword pictures.
For example, if you have a picture of a celebrity, e.g. Kim Kardashian
then you can create a category along the lines of “Kim Kardashian
dancing, Kim Kardashian smiling etc”.
And that’s all it is to optimise your images to be included on Google
Just to summarise you need to make sure you include: -
The keyword you are focusing on in your post
The keyword in your ALT image tag
Rename your image with your main keywords (use long-tailed
Use your keyword in your description for your post (around your
Use different images and use different keywords for each image. E.g.
Peter Andre smiling, Peter Andre 6 pac etc.
Monetising Google Images
Now once you have set up your images the next thing to do is monetise
your images so that you can make money.
Now there is no specific tool that shows you the phrases people are
searching for on Google images.
So what I do is simply head over to Google Keyword Selector tool and
type in the name of the celebrity. So for example, in this case I am going
to type in the name of the celebrity “Kim Kardashian” and this is what
comes up.
Now what
Now what we need to do is focus on long-tailed keywords such as “Kim
Kardashian t shirts”, “Kim Kardashian dancing” etc (which is searched
33,100 times on the search engines).
Also notice that the keyword “Kourtney Kardashian” is searched over
1.5 million times a month! (she is the sister of Kim Kardashian).
Now we can further narrow this down by focusing on a certain “object
of the celebrity”.
Now do you know generates a lot of searches online when it comes to
(Don’t worry I am not talking about any ADULT rated stuff here!)
The keyword “hairstyles” generates a lot of searches online.
All you have to do is type the word “hairstyles” on Google Keyword
selector tool and you will see the number of searches for the keyword
Now when
Now when it comes to Celebs a lot of people (especially young females) are
going to be searching for hairstyles in relation to celebs.
So for example, if we type in “Kourtney Kardashian hairstyle” on Google
keyword tool here is the list of search results we are going to get.
As you can see the keyword “Kourtney Kardashian hair” generates just
over 14,800 searches a month.
Now if we head over to Google images (where most likely people are going
to be searching to look for pictures of this) we can see that there is hardly
any competition for this keyword phrase!
There are just over, 95,700 results for this keyword.
So that means you can create a site or a simple blog post and focus your
keywords around the most popular phrases around “Kourtney
Kardashian hair or hairstyles”.
Make sure you follow the above example, include the keyword around
the image, ALT image text and rename the image too.
This will help when it comes to ranking your images on the Google
Image search results.
Now because people are going to be searching a lot of images that are to
do with a certain celeb’s hairstyles.
For example, the keyword “David Beckham hairstyle” (which is searched a
lot of times on Google) generates the following image results.
Now if we take each of these images (highlighted) and take a look at them
we can see how they are optimised.
Now as you can see the above website appears on the first page of
Google Images for the search term “David Beckham hairstyle”.
Now if you try to save the image notice it is saved as
So we can see that this image contains an ALT image text with the
keyword “David-Beckham_Hairstyle” and we also can see that the image
has a long-tailed keyword but contains the main keyword “david-
This explains why it is well ranked on Google images and has been there
for over a year and the owner of this website is generating all that
If you contacted the owner of that website and offered him to add CPA
Lead (more on this later) to your website for a small fee imagine the
amount of money you can make?
Now if we take a look at the other examples (highlighted) they all follow
a similar trend – all of them are using this system to outrank their
competitors on Google Images.
This is a powerful strategy you can start using today.
So how can you make money from this system?
Well Google Images is a goldmine when it comes to CPA Lead. If you have
not signed up to CPA Lead then you can head over to and
sign up. CPA Lead is an affiliate company that provides you “widgets” to
monetise your websites – these widgets enable the owner of the site to lock
the content on their website until someone fills an offer to access this
Now when it comes to Google Images you might want to create a page
or head over to and have a title such as –
“Exclusive Beyonce Hairstyle” and then use CPA Lead to lock it.
Here is an example I have already done.
Now you can customise the CPA Widget and text the way you want it.
However, when it comes to uploading your picture make sure you rename
your picture to your KEYWORD that you are going to focus on. In this case
I renamed the picture “Beyonce_hairstyle_long_sexy” (making sure I
included long-tailed keywords also).
Now you can use a lot of methods to drive traffic to your pages and
ensure you get indexed fast on Google images.
If you submit your site to social bookmarking sites or use (Angela’s back linking service) then
you are going to climb high not only on the image rankings but also on
the search engine rankings.
However, because our main focus is Google Images you still might want
to link your image link URL to high PR social bookmarking and press
release sites.
I would also use the power of Yahoo! Answers for quick backlinks.
Now celebs and celeb hairstyles generate a lot of searches but you can
also monetise CPA Lead around wallpaper sites. Now “wallpaper” sites
are very popular and lots of people want to have wallpapers for their
For example, the keyword “lady Gaga wallpaper” is searched over
74,000 times a month, according to Google Keyword selector tool.
Now if we head over to Google images we can see which sites are
optimising their images for this keyword and what they are doing.
As you can see there are just over 307,000 results for this keyword on
Google images. Now let’s take a look at the site that shows up at the top
of the listing.
Here is the exact link to the site that shows up on the first page on Google
Now as you can see if we hover our mouse over the image we see that
the image has an ALT image tag and is named “lady-gaga-wallpaper-
Now this is ALT image tag contains the main keywords that we want to
target and it contains these keywords several times.
Also notice that this is a Wordpress URL link so that means Google
Images LOVES Wordpress URL links ;)
Here is another Wordpress URL link that is ranked on the first page on
Google images.
As you can see the ALT tag contains the keyword “Lady Gaga” but the
imagine is name as
Notice the keyword is named as “lady-gaga-wallpaper-lady-gaga”
(always named with a hyphen)
A key thing to note that if your image is shown on the first page for
Google Images Google also sometimes shows your image on the
homepage of the natural search results.
Using this strategy you can virtually dominate any niche.
For example, the tattoo niche is very hot right now.
You can easily jump in on this niche and start several tattoo sites using
this system and promote Clickbank products – there are lots of tattoo
Clickbank offers out there.
You can also cash in with this system and offer it to Local business
Think photographers
Photographers have a lot of pictures they like to display on their
website – which photographer would not like to see their images on the
front page of Google images?
Here is an example of existing photography businesses on the first page of
Google images.
As you can see there are just over 818,000 results for this keyword.
Now let’s look at the first result on Google images and see what this image
is saved as.
As you can see the ALT text for this contains the main keyword that we
want – e.g. “Manchester-photography (notice the hyphen!).
Also the image is saved as
Again the image contains the main keywords that we want.
Now the key thing to note is that not everyone is aware of this technique and
are therefore, leaving a lot of money on the table.
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