Sunday, February 7, 2010

Seven Ways to Get Extra Huge Traffic

Submitting an article to the online directories is not sufficient if you actually want to control your time. In this article I am going to give you SEVEN different ways you can use again an article so it sends you even extra traffic, for a longer period of time.

Article marketing is identified as one of the best cost effective ways to drive pre-qualified, targeted traffic to your web site. You note down simple little articles about your choice niche and if people like the information you have given them, they will click through to your site from the link in the resource box.

And that is where you can create pitching them on your product or service.

But just submitting an article to the on-line directories is not sufficient if you actually want to control your time. In this article I’m going to give you SEVEN different ways you can use again an article so it sends you even extra traffic, for a longer period of time.

1. Use it on your blog.

Few people say you should place it on your blog before submitting to the directories, other people say the reverse. Whichever way you choose, posting the article on your blog should be one of your primary actions.

2. Turn it into a pod cast.

Fire up few thing like Audacity and record an article. If you are writing minimum one article a week (and you may do more than that) you have all the necessary content for a short weekly pod cast.

3. Record a video version.

Use something similar to Keynote or PowerPoint to make slides with the main points of your article. Use Screen Flow or Camtasia to record that appearance while you read the article — voila, immediate video article that can be used on You Tube and other video sharing sites.

4. Combine several into a special report.

Take few similar articles and spin them into a special report that can be sold or given away as a motivation for people to join your list.

5. Combine even more together as an e-book.

Almost every article writer has created sufficient content for a full-blown e-book they can sell. Collect your articles together and then see if you require writing a couple more to fill up in the cracks.

6. Allow your affiliates to use them.

If you advertise your own product and have affiliates, rotate your articles into promo pieces your affiliates can apply on their blogs, for their email listing, etc. They get promotional content to use for free of charge, and you finish up making more sales.

7. Put in an auto responder series.

If you are making a list you require to keep distribute people new content. Either send an whole article as one part of the email series, or send the review and a link to the full article. By doing it that ways you can put absence ads on your article pages and monetize it that method, too.

There you go, 7 habits in which you can get extra mileage — which means huge traffic – from the articles you write. And this is not the ending of the line…you can suggest even more ways to use again your article

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