If you have a digital camera or a scanner to upload your photos to your computer, share them with the world and earn two incomes at the same time.
The ability to usephotographs online has evolved from simply uploading them for your own use to actually publishing them for an income source. Digital cameras come with the software to get your pictures on your computer. A simple “photo sites” Google search will supply you with plenty of places to highlight your photos such as Flickr. You can add them to your social network sites like My Space and Facebook.
You can actually get paid to post your photos online. There are sites to sell your photos outright called stock photos. You give up ownership. The other alternative is to post to sites like Squidoo, Flixya, Hubpages, and (my favorite) Triond. You maintain copyright this way. The way these sites work is to pay you so much per view, on the order of around $1.00/1000. You won’t get rich this way but with steadily adding content and promoting your own publications, it will add up over time. The submit sites are free to join. They earn the income to pay you through advertisements on your posts. Some work by letting you earn the income generated by clicks on Google Adsense ads and Chitika ads that have been added to your posts though your own accounts with these advertisers. Others share revenue generated through their own accounts.
Once you have published content, especially photos, you can upload the urls at Redgage for another income stream for the same work, around $.70/1000 views. In addition to earning for views, you can earn bonuses for being featured. Feature bonuses on photos run around $4.00 as compared to articles at around $2.00. There are also daily contests that pay $25.00. Payout is at $25.00 through a site-issued VISA debit card. Redgage also earns its money through ad clicks of its advertisers. It is not uncommon to reach payout on a monthly basis especially entering the contests.
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13 years ago
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